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  • Be polite: Being rude in a forum is tempting for some people. Please practice politeness, and this is our first and foremost rule.


  • “No flaming, no trolls.” We would like to explicitly indicate here that flaming and trolls aren’t allowed at the Hello Maven Community. Flaming someone is the act of posting hostile messages. Flames are often posted by trolls, people who participate in a forum with the purpose of sowing havoc with off-topic or offensive content. Disregarding this rule will be a reason for immediate termination or account.


  • User accounts: We want to make it clear that the user account we provide to all of those who chat in our community forums exist on our terms, and that people who violate terms lose their accounts.


  • Links: We do not allow linking to other websites. Members who have been active in the community will be allowed to post links but only to related to corresponding forum topics. Please be informed that some links can take people to unwanted material, spam, and malware websites, links can become problematic. Please click on links at your own risk.


  • Pictures: You may post photos, either as part of your member profile or within the body of posts, but this will be subject for approval. Nudity and other explicit photos are immediately excluded.


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