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This unique cleanser utilizes the properties of activated charcoal to neutralize acidity and absorb impurities as well as to gently exfoliate the skin. This versatile product is beneficial for all skin types including sensitive or problematic skin and is very effective cleansing wash for reducing acne, rosacea and eczema. It works as an excellent shaving cream and deodorizing body wash. Great to use for people who are suffering from bacne as well!


SKU: OS-66701
  • Our Activated Charcoal Cleanser is perfect for deep cleansing the pores because of the activated charcoal it is infused with. Activated charcoal means the carbon is infused with oxygen and is prepared for human ingestion (in the case of poisoning or detox) and skincare products. This oxygenation creates a super porous surface, increasing its ability to absorb matter and toxins. Possibly the most absorbent cosmetic ingredient out there, activated charcoal is said to have the ability to absorb thousands of times its own weight.

    This super absorbency, plus antibacterial properties, makes activated charcoal an ideal ingredient for oily and acne prone skin types. It is used in acne products to draw out impurities, heal pimples, and prevent further breakouts. Also an anti-aging ingredient, activated charcoal is said to tighten pores and smooth the skin. It also reduces inflammation, which is significant in preventing premature aging.

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