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If it's you're goal to achieve brighter and more refined skin, then this is your answer! Non-comedogenic and it's loaded with Vitamins A, E, and C! 
It also contains lots of Alpha Hydroxy Acid that is found in Green and Red Apples, and Papayas! 

Alpha Hydroxy Acid for skin works as an exfoliating agent and removes dead cells from your skin and helps you get rid of the dark cells from the top layers of your skin. AHA also protects your skin from sun damage, that's why this is the perfect day moisturizer in our country! It even dries matte which you can use under your makeup! 


SKU: AS-FF5996
  • Green Apple Extract which contains Vitamin C that helps in preventing skin cells damage by free radicals and thus reduces the chances of developing skin cancer. It contains anti-oxidants which help in cell re-building and cell rejuvenation. This also helps you in maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Green Apple Extract is rich in Vitamins A, B and C, so apart from protecting the skin from harmful effects of free radicals; it also helps one in maintaining glowing skin from inside. 

    Plus, Papaya Extract! Papaya Extract on the other hand, contains a natural exfoliating enzyme, which helps clear pores, leaving skin glowing and healthy. Rich in Vitamin A and alpha hydroxy acids in papayas can also break up dead skin cells to improve skin tone, help with collagen remodeling, and lightening lentigos.

    Just for good measure, We also included Apple AHA. AHA means Alpha Hydroxy Acid. Apple is also rich in natural AHA that helps to gently exfoliate your skin and break up the proteins that hold skin cells together. Like Papaya Extract, which this moisturizer also has, regular use of apple extract in your skin care products can help your skin appear brighter and smoother by sloughing away dead skin cells that can make your skin look dull.

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