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Do you enjoy having your unwanted hairs waxed, threaded, or shaved? We do! We love being totally hairless on areas we don't want excessive hair to grow. But with skin damaging procedures like waxing, threading, and shaving, the outer layer of our skin gets damaged resulting to thinning of the skin, plus the worst -CHICKEN SKIN.


SKU: BP-3269941
  • We have developed a skin-saving relief salve for those who love having their bits waxed, shaved, or threaded. In our personal experience, we have noticed reduction in appearance of sagging skin, chicken skin-bumps, and redness after using.

    Shaving can result to cuts and nicks, our Skin Rescue Salve will help stop the bleeding and speed up production of new skin. Same goes for skin-lifting in waxing. You can apply our Rescue Gel to sooth traumatized skin. You can use this gel after each time you remove hair. Apply on your skin after waxing, shaving, or threading to help the skin heal and protect the skin

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