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WHY HYALURONIC ACID IS IMPORTANT FOR THE SKIN As we age, skin moisture can drop significantly, which makes the skin lose elasticity and expose the signs of aging on the skin. Hyaluronic acid plays a critical role in skin health with its unique ability to hold in moisture (1000 ml of water per gram of hyaluronic acid).
Hyaluronic acid is also a “smart nutrient” as it can adjust its moisture absorption rate based on the humidity—relative to the season and the climate.


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  • IS HYALURONIC ACID NATURAL? Hyaluronic acid is a natural glycosaminoglycan (polysaccharides that are an important component of connective tissue) and can be derived from multiple resources, foods, supplements and HA powders. HA is distributed widely throughout connective, neural, and epithelial tissue. It is of the chief components of the extra-cellular matrix (the tissue that provides structural support to cells). In short, hyaluronic acid supports many important areas of the body, with notable benefit to joints and skin

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